
Trader Joe's long-awaited NFT collection

10 000 masterfully crafed Jpegs that act as your entry ticket into the vibrant world of Joetopia. Each NFT is a unique 3D rendering based on 11 attributes with hundreds of possible variations.

Go take a look !

Visit the gallery

Why Joetopia ?

This is your opportunity to get involved and become a cherished member of our not-so-secret society.

Help us bring the world of Trader Joe to life

Leaving his humble beginnings behind, Joe has become a symbol for the things we stand for. The world needs more Joes, and more Janes. Let's make it happen.

Connect with other members

There is power in community and community is at the heart of Joetopia. Every person's journey to greatness will look different but we are united in spirit.

Get access to exclusive perks

If you are looking to get spammed with raffles and giveaways, this may not be the project for you. Our ambitions go further than that. Rest assured that we will work hard to reward you for your faith.

Created by joe

Created by joe

This NFT project is official part of Joe Studios. The same team behind Trader Joe and Joepegs - the same platforms that build on the frontiers of decentralised finance and NFTs, pushing innovation to offer a truly unique trading experience that is seamless and acessible. Joe has many friends already - now the goal is to forge deeper ties.

Part of a success story created by joe

Part of a success story created by joe

”We are committed to building a top web3 brand that pushes on the frontier of NFTs and decentralised finance. Joetopia will play a key role in making that happen. We have ideas of how we want to take NFTs to the next level, like linking them to fashion. This is a long-term endeavour for us. Cultivating a strong culture takes effort and time, but it's what it takes to make an NFT project take off.”

Cryptofish, co-founder of Trader Joe, Joepegs & Joe Studios

Only on Joepegs

Only on Joepegs

The Joetopia NFTs will be launched exclusively on Joepegs, Trader Joe's very own NFT marketplace. It's a cultural hub for premium digital collectibles and serves as a home for digital creators and collectors alike.

Community focus

Your voice will be heard when it comes to the project's future. We don't promise a lot - but any promise we make will be kept.

Transparent and fair

Our smart contract is as simple as it gets: every NFT costs the same to mint, and a 5 % royalty fee is applied on the secondary market.

Hosted on Ethereum

Originally from Avalanche, we're excited to release our first collection on where DeFi and NFTs all started: Ethereum.


All you need to mint the Joetopia NFT is a wallet like Metamask. Add a sufficient amount of ETHER to your wallet, connect it to Joepegs and confirm the transaction when prompted.